Writing a home control front end in HTML.

I’ve been asked a few times about my custom front-end for my Domoticz, Hue and Sonos setup, so here are a few HTML snippets and where to put them, assuming you are running Domoticz on your home control server.

Right from the offset I must stress that the Icons I have used are made by various incredibly skilled designers at http://www.flaticon.com/ and therefore this front end cannot be used for any commercial purpose.

I have previously written an extensive post about the continuous development of a home control user interface and have posed a video containing my front end, so this post will not be about the thought process behind creating a UI, rather how I have managed to put one together using HTML.

I must also stress that I am not an expert in baking a web app.  Developers may read my code and scoff at its inefficiency but it works for me, and hopefully can give you some inspiration.


The layout of all panels follows the same template: A main area where the actual buttons and controls live, changing depending on which screen the user selects; the ‘scenes’ bar, a blue strip towards the bottom of the display which is a kind of ‘quick access’ ribbon for regularly used commands; and a Links bar which permanently shows the pages that can be displayed.


There is also a ‘notifications’ display which shows up just above the scenes bar with information provided by a variable in Domoticz.  This text can be ‘cleared’ by touching it (more on this later).

All screens use variations on the same HTML so not every screen is shown in detail in this post.

Home Screen


Home is where the heart is.  I like the home screen to be simple, uncluttered and good looking.  It’s by far the screen shown most regularly so less is more here.

The interesting part of this screen is the background.  It changes depending on the weather.  First I saved six 2000×600 backgrounds with names ranging from weatherback-rain.png to weatherback-fog.png.  You need cloudy, fog, partlycloudy, rain, snow and sunny.  I set the size of these backgrounds to fit the tablet which the screen is displayed on so you may need to adjust accordingly.

The HTML code to change the background depending on the weather is as follows (change xx, yyyy and zz to the address of your Domoticz server, the port Domoticz is using and the idx code of your weather source in Domoticz):

function updateweather(){

                var forecast

                var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

                var url = "http://192.168.1.xx:yyyy/json.htm?type=devices&rid=zz";

                var forecast

                xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {

                 if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {

                 var myArr = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText);

                                                forecast = myArr.result[0].ForecastStr;

                                                console.log("Forecast is " + forecast + ".")

       // myFunction(myArr);

                                                 if (forecast == "Partly Cloudy") {

                                                 document.getElementById("weatherindicator").src = "weatherback-partlycloudy.png";


                                                 if (forecast == "Sunny") {

                                                 document.getElementById("weatherindicator").src = "weatherback-sunny.png";


                                                if (forecast == "Rain") {

                                                 document.getElementById("weatherindicator").src = "weatherback-rain.png";


                                                if (forecast == "Fog") {

                                                 document.getElementById("weatherindicator").src = "weatherback-fog.png";


                                                if (forecast == "Snow") {

                                                 document.getElementById("weatherindicator").src = "weatherback-snow.png";


                                                if (forecast == "Cloudy") {

                                                 document.getElementById("weatherindicator").src = "weatherback-cloudy.png";




xmlhttp.open("GET", url, true);




Notice that the last line of this code sets up the web page to update the weather picture every 60 seconds.  Ok, in the body of your HTML you’ll need something like

<div id="weatherdisplay" align="left" class="weatherback"><img id="weatherindicator" src=""></div>

And you’ll need something like this wherever you save your CSS:

div.weatherback {

    position: fixed;

    top: 0px;

    left: 0px;

    width: 1000px;



Activating Hue scenes

The API for Hue is relatively easy to use.  I used the API to save scenes to each room and then can recall them from the press of an icon on the scenes bar.  The HTML at the scene bar is easy:

<a href="javascript:;" onClick="groupscene(1,7);switchoff(24)"><img src="scene-cinema.png" width="150" height="150" border="0"></a>

The button called scene-cinema.png does two things actually, sets the group 1 to scene 7 and then switches of a switch in Domoticz.  Let’s see the code for each of these functions:

function groupscene(group,scene){

                execute('PUT', 'http://192.168.1.aa/api/bbbbbbb/groups/'+group+'/action', '{"scene":"'+scene+'"}');


Change aa to the address of your Hue bridge and bbbbbb to the name of the developer (if you followed the Hue API instructions from the Hue website this might be “newdeveloper”.  If your scene does not change straight away then your control panel might not be authorised to the Hue bridge.  If this is the case, press the button on the Hue bridge and then try again a couple of times.

function switchon(devicecode){

                execute('PUT', 'http://192.168.1.xx:yyyy/json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx='+devicecode+'&switchcmd=On', '');



function switchoff(devicecode){

                execute('PUT', 'http://192.168.1.xx:yyyy/json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx='+devicecode+'&switchcmd=Off', '');



function toggle(devicecode){

                execute('PUT', 'http://192.168.1.xx:yyyy/json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx='+devicecode+'&switchcmd=Toggle', '');



function dim(devicecode,dimlevel){

                execute('PUT', 'http://192.168.1.xx:yyyy/json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx='+devicecode+'&switchcmd=Set%20Level&level='+dimlevel, '');


The above codes (again change xx to the address of your Domoticz server and yyyy to the port number) are all similar. Switchon, switchoff do what they say on the tin.  Toggle changes the state of an on/off switch and then dim sets a certain switch you specify (idx) to the dim level you select (dimlevel).

While we’re here, here’s a list of the other Hue functions I put into the home control system:

function lightoff(light){

                execute('PUT', 'http://192.168.1.aa/api/bbbbbb/lights/'+light+'/state', '{"on":false}');



function lightmax(light){

                execute('PUT', 'http://192.168.1.aa/api/bbbbbb/lights/'+light+'/state', '{"on":true,"bri":255,"sat":0,"hue":0}');



function briup(group){

                execute('PUT', 'http://192.168.1.aa/api/bbbbbb/groups/'+group+'/action', '{"bri_inc":40}');



function bridn(group){

                execute('PUT', 'http://192.168.1.aa/api/bbbbbb/groups/'+group+'/action', '{"bri_inc":-40}');



function groupcontrol(group,hue,bri,sat){

                execute('PUT', 'http://192.168.1.aa/api/bbbbbb/groups/'+group+'/action', '{"on":true,"bri":'+bri+',"sat":'+sat+',"hue":'+hue+'}');



function groupscene(group,scene){

                execute('PUT', 'http://192.168.1.aa/api/bbbbbb/groups/'+group+'/action', '{"scene":"'+scene+'"}');


So these are the main components of the home page – and here’s a snippet of how I go the inside and outside temperature (change zz to the idx of your temperature sensor):

function updateintemp(){

                var instatus

                var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

                var url = "http://192.168.1.xx:yyyy/json.htm?type=devices&rid=zz";

                xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {

                if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {

               var myArr = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText);

                                                instatus =  "Inside: " + myArr.result[0].Data;


                                                document.getElementById("intemp").innerHTML = instatus



xmlhttp.open("GET", url, true);




You need a div with id “intemp” positioned where you like, and again the last part of the above code sets up the web app to update the temperature each 20 seconds.

Devices screen


The devices screen updates the icons with a green bar when the switch is on and a grey bar when off.  I save two identical png pictures, one with -on.png at the end and one with -off.png.  I enter this HTML repeatedly, changing the id and the source of the picture for each button:

<a href="javascript:;" onClick=”toggle(xx)"><img src="chesterlampoff.png" width="125" height="125" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" id="chesterlamp"></a>

Change xx to the idx of the device in Domoticz (you can find the idx of the device in the ‘Devices’ tab of the Domoticz interface.

Change the id=”chesterlamp” to id=”whateveryourdeviceiscalled” then change the img src to the ‘off’ picture for your device.

In the code part you need the following:

function updatedevice(idx,location,onimage,offimage){

                console.log("checking status of idx "+idx)

                var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

                var url = ""+idx;

                var onoff

                xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {

                if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {

               var myArr = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText);

                                                onoff = myArr.result[0].Status;

       // myFunction(myArr);


                                if (onoff == "On") {

                                document.getElementById(location).src = onimage;


                                if (onoff == "Off") {

                                document.getElementById(location).src = offimage;


                                if (onoff == "Open") {

                                document.getElementById(location).src = onimage;


                                if (onoff == "Closed") {

                                document.getElementById(location).src = offimage;



xmlhttp.open("GET", url, true);



Then another function where you will put all the code to tell the web app to update the icons depending on how Domoticz reports the switch (on or off, or even open or closed if you’re using door sensors too):






                }, 1000);

I’ve put two switches here, Chester’s lamp and the washing machine.  You can add as many switches as you like here, as long as they have been set up in the body of the HTML.

There are two other functions that are called each second too: countup() and updatenotification(11)

Automatically reverting to the Home Screen

If you want the screen to revert to home after two minutes of inactivity, you can use this code:

First put

var ticker = 0;

at the start of your code block, then put:

function countup(){


                console.log("Ticker is " + ticker);

                if (ticker>120) {

                                console.log("Moving to index...")




This means that once the variable ‘ticker’ has incremented to 120, the screen will go to the page called index.htm.  If you use this code, remember to put this at the end of each function:

ticker = 0;

This will reset the timer so that another 2 minutes have been added to the time before the page will switch to the Home Screen.

Notifications from Domoticz

I have set up the screens to show a strip which indicates what Domoticz is up to.  Some of my LUA scripts in Domoticz update a variable with a string of text in English to tell the user what Domoticz is doing.  This could be confirmation that a switch has been turned on/off or it could report is something has been triggered automatically.

First, create a string variable in Domoticz called LastEvent and then note down its idx.  In the below case the idx is 11 (and there’s already a string update in there too, yours will be empty when you first set it up).


Back to the home control HTML:

function updatenotification(idx){

                console.log("checking status of idx "+idx)

                var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

                var url = "http://192.168.1.xx:yyyy/json.htm?type=command&param=getuservariable&idx="+idx;

                var textentry

                xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {

                if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {

               var myArr = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText);

                                                textentry = myArr.result[0].Value;

       // myFunction(myArr);

                                document.getElementById("notification").innerHTML = textentry;



xmlhttp.open("GET", url, true);




function clearnotification(idx){

                execute('PUT', ""+idx+"&vname=LastEvent&vtype=2&vvalue=%00", '');


And in the body of the HTML (so once the text is clicked the variable in Domoticz is reset to null):

Something like this for the CSS: div.notificationpane {     position: fixed;     bottom: 250px;     left: 0px;                 width: 100%;                 font-size: 30pt;                 background-color: #333333;                 text-indent: 25px;                 opacity: 0.6; }

Then in the LUA script, when you want to notify the user about something, you can add a line like this:

commandArray['Variable:LastEvent'] = tostring(os.date("%H") .. ':' .. os.date("%M") .. ' Rear balcony door opened, lights on for 15 minutes.')

This adds the time and the text to the variable, which then almost immediately pops up on the Home Control screen until it is clicked.

Where to store your HTML

When you have created your masterpiece, you can save it in a new folder of your choice below the /domoticz/www/ folder.  You can use something like WinSCP to create a folder and then transfer all your files in one go.

Then, when you usually navigate to to go to the Domoticz home screen, add / then the name of your folder then /index.htm or whatever your home screen address is.


Due to the jerry-rigged nature of my HTML code I am not going to publish it in its entirety.  I also don’t know the ins and outs of using the flaticons.com icons and publishing them directly.  Hopefully, however, this post will give you some inspiration to write your own home control front end.

109 thoughts on “Writing a home control front end in HTML.”

      1. Hi, sent to you just now. If the email does not appear check your spam. Also if you don’t have a gmail account it may not come through so reply with a gmail account to get it. Thanks for your comment! Harry


      2. Hi, sent to you just now. If the email does not appear check your spam. Also if you don’t have a gmail account it may not come through so reply with a gmail account to get it. Thanks for your comment! Harry


      1. I’m not sure if my first try to reply was successful since depending on how I check the comments my previous comment is not visible. =)


      2. You are indeed correct. 🙂

        It was in my spam folder. Thanks again! I’ll probably fiddle with it during the week.


  1. Wow, a very nice howto! The UI is very very Nice!

    Would you mind sharing it? I would love to use it as a starting point for creating a web UI.

    Best regards,



  2. Very nice work and inspiring posts! Is it possible to receive a copy of your code as well?

    I’m also using domoticz as the foundation for much of my homeautomation to which i have interfaced rfxcom 433Mhz, MQTT (arduinos and esp8266) and 2.4GHz using MySensors.org. Currently I use EmonCMS for trending and as historian/dashboard parallell to domoticz.

    So far i have not managed to find a simple UI where I can merge everything and achieve a high enough WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor)…

    Would be interesting to have a look on how you strutured your code and pages as reference since I’m a rookie in webprogramming.

    Best regards



    1. Thanks Thomas, I’ll send you the files now although I should stress that the javascript probably could be more elegant but it certainly gets the job done. Hope your WAF remains at acceptable levels!


    1. Hi, sent to you just now. If the email does not appear check your spam. Also if you don’t have a gmail account it may not come through so reply with a gmail account to get it. Thanks for your comment! Harry


  3. Nice job on the blogs for Domoticz! Just started learning it for a myself when I found your blog. If you don’t mind sharing your code, would love to see it. Thanks!


    1. Hi, sent to you just now. If the email does not appear check your spam. Also if you don’t have a gmail account it may not come through so reply with a gmail account to get it. Thanks for your comment! Harry


    1. Hi, sent to you just now. If the email does not appear check your spam. Also if you don’t have a gmail account it may not come through so reply with a gmail account to get it. Thanks for your comment! Harry


  4. After a long Searcy I found your website, amazing!! I really want to examine your codes, bit hoe do I knop wat your e-mail address is?


    1. Hi, sent to you just now. If the email does not appear check your spam. Also if you don’t have a gmail account it may not come through so reply with a gmail account to get it. Thanks for your comment! Harry


  5. Hi fountside – Your frontend look great. Im building a domoticz home automation. Would be great if could share it 🙂
    Br Pierre


    1. Hi, sent to you just now. If the email does not appear check your spam. Also if you don’t have a gmail account it may not come through so reply with a gmail account to get it. Thanks for your comment! Harry


  6. Great work! Clean design, easy to use and almost every device can be integrated.
    I’m currently working on something similar… Trying to combine some automation systems together in one simple GUI. Do you mind sharing your code?


    1. Hi, sent to you just now. If the email does not appear check your spam. Also if you don’t have a gmail account it may not come through so reply with a gmail account to get it. Thanks for your comment! Harry


    1. Hi, sent to you just now. If the email does not appear check your spam. Also if you don’t have a gmail account it may not come through so reply with a gmail account to get it. Thanks for your comment! Harry


  7. Hi,

    I see that you are willing to share your code with others.
    Do you mind and share it with me? Or maybe you can place a download link on your site?

    With kind regards,


    1. Hi, sent to you just now. If the email does not appear check your spam. Also if you don’t have a gmail account it may not come through so reply with a gmail account to get it. Thanks for your comment! Harry


      1. Hi Harry,

        Thanks for willing to share with me. But I haven’t receive your email yet.
        My email address is a gmail.com address 😐
        Can you sent is again?

        With kind regards,


  8. Hi, very nice. It’s exactly what I expected.
    I have the same hardware : raspberry Pi with RFX433 (for motion sensors and piloted plugs) and NodeMCU diy thermal sensors and relays for heating.
    I want to have a wall mounted screen to manage my system and display main informations too.
    Can you send me your code please ?

    Thanks a lot.



    1. Hi, sent to you just now. If the email does not appear check your spam. Also if you don’t have a gmail account it may not come through so reply with a gmail account to get it. Thanks for your comment! Harry


  9. Hi fountside
    Awesome design, one that my wife actually does approve of. Would you be able to share, like you have with others? Thank you so much for creating a great, modern UI!


    1. I’m glad your wife approves! I was not satisfied with anything on offer to create a stylish UI that all the family could use instinctively hence why I made my own. Maybe you can improve on it further… let me know how you get on. Harry


      1. Hi Harry
        I havent received it. Would you be able to provide a download link or send a .zip file? Much appreciated.
        Thank you


  10. hi Harry, what an amazing good inteface for Domoticz you have created! Would like to ask if I can get a copy of your files to give it a try me self.
    thanks in advance


  11. Hi Fountside,

    Your webpage looks great! I am also fiddeling with creating a webfront for my Domoticz setup. Is it possible you would share your code with me? Thanks in advance. A happy dutch Domoticz user.


  12. Hi, great project!

    I really would like a copy of your html files. It could really help me get my frontend together!




  13. Hi! Stumbled across your site after googling, I really like your design! Its timeless, simple and elegant. Moving from Fibaro to Domoticz and would like to upgrade the default design of Domoticz! Would you be so kind to share your code?


  14. Hello,

    What an awesome interface, i would love to have a copy of the code if at all possible.
    Great work!!


    1. Sending now, thanks very much for your comments and apologies for the delay. You might also be interested in my newest blog post which shows my next version of a front end for Domoticz and a link to Github so you can download and start working on it instantly. Thanks again!


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