Homemade disco using Sonos and Hue

I’ve used Hue Disco and other apps to sync up my Philips Hue lights with my music, but what I really wanted was something that I could start during a party, and just leave to get on with it.  I wanted the lights to change reasonably often, but I wanted them to respond to the type of music being played.

This program is written in Python 3 and uses the Echonest database to get the energy and danceability, as well as the tempo of the currently plying track from the Sonos player (obtained by this great program: node-sonos-http-api.  The program then selects a brightness and saturation range and randomly changes all the hue lights you specify.  The lights change in a frequency relating to the tempo of the track playing.

The program must be started AFTER you’ve started playing a track on the Sonos, and then continuously runs until you pause the Sonos player, and then raises the lights to a medium white light, and then the program quits.

I’ve got this program running on my Raspberry Pi, and am really pleased with it, obviously more tinkering can be done, but I’ve not seen any similar apps that do this.  I have a Domoticz ‘switch’ that can start running this program, and then to end the program, you just pause playback.  But you could just run the program from the command line each time you want to have a disco!

Best used when you have a night of partying, with a large random playlist going.  Don’t forget that as long as the player you specify in the variables is part of the playing ‘group’, you can play music to different rooms and include those Hue bulbs into the list too!

You can download the code here: Hue-BR-Analyse

Here’s the code:

import urllib
from urllib import request 
from random import randint 
import base64,requests,json,time,datetime

Hue Sonos Analyser by Harry Plant 2015

This program changes the hue, brightness and tempo of Philips Hue lights depending on the energy and danceability of the track,
as reported by Echonest.


*Philips Hue bridge and at least one Hue Light (http://www2.meethue.com/en-gb/)
*At least one Sonos player (http://www.sonos.com/)
*Python 3 (I have it installed on my Raspberry Pi)
*Echonest api key (obtainable at https://developer.echonest.com/ - click 'Get an API Key')
*node-sonos-http-api (https://github.com/jishi/node-sonos-http-api)

change the following variables to match your setup:

zone is the name of the sonos player you will be listening to
my_list is an array of the hue lights you want to control
sonosinfo is the address of the node-sonos-http-api server
hue_bridge is the address and key that you use to control the hue
echonest_apikey is the key you obtained from echonest

I have used this program with success (great parties) on multiple occasions but do not accept 
responsibility for any loss or damage caused by using this code.


zone = 'Kitchen'
my_list = ['3', '4', '5', '7', '15', '17', '19', '20']
sonosinfo = ''
hue_bridge = ''
echonest_apikey = '02MKNPMXXXXXXXXXX'


currenttrack = 'No track'
min_bri = 100
max_bri = 100
secs_waited = 0
secs_to_wait = 10
sat = 100
tt = 10
trackfound = 1
std_assumptions = 0

for r in range(1,999999):
 secs_waited = secs_waited + 1

 req = request.urlopen(sonosinfo + zone + '/state')
 encoding = req.headers.get_content_charset()
 obj = json.loads(req.read().decode(encoding))
 if obj['zoneState'] == 'PAUSED_PLAYBACK' or obj['zoneState'] == 'STOPPED':
 print('Player has stopped playing. Returning lights to white and exiting program.')
 my_list_len = len(my_list)
 for i in range(0,my_list_len):
 hue = 10000
 bri = 200
 sat = 50
 tt = 50
 payload = '{"on":true,"sat":' + str(sat) + ',"bri":' + str(bri) + ',"hue":' + str(hue) + ',"transitiontime":' +str(tt) + '}'
 r = requests.put(hue_bridge + "lights/" + my_list[i] + "/state",data=payload)

 req = request.urlopen('')

 track = obj['currentTrack']['title']
 artist = obj['currentTrack']['artist'] 
 elapsedtime = obj['elapsedTime']
 playing = obj['playerState']

 if track == currenttrack:
 print('Waited ' + str(secs_waited) + ' out of ' + str(secs_to_wait))
 if track != currenttrack:
 std_assumptions = 0
 print('This is a new track!')
 print('Now playing : ' + track + ' by '+ artist + ".")
 requeststring = 'http://developer.echonest.com/api/v4/song/search?api_key=' + echonest_apikey + '&format=json&artist=' + urllib.parse.quote(artist) + '&title=' + urllib.parse.quote(track)
 req = request.urlopen(requeststring)
 encoding = req.headers.get_content_charset()
 obj = json.loads(req.read().decode(encoding))
 if not obj['response']['songs']:
 std_assumptions = 1 
 print('Song not in database - using standard assumptions')
 if std_assumptions == 0:
 songid = obj['response']['songs'][0]['id']


 requeststring = 'http://developer.echonest.com/api/v4/song/profile?api_key=' + echonest_apikey + '&id=' + songid + '&bucket=audio_summary'
 req = request.urlopen(requeststring)
 encoding = req.headers.get_content_charset()
 obj = json.loads(req.read().decode(encoding))
 if not obj['response']['songs'][0]['audio_summary']:
 print('Although song was in database, there is no energy and danceability data. Using standard assumptions for this track.')
 std_assumptions = 1

 if std_assumptions == 0:

 dancepercent = int((obj['response']['songs'][0]['audio_summary']['danceability'])*100)
 energypercent = int((obj['response']['songs'][0]['audio_summary']['energy'])*100)
 pulserate = obj['response']['songs'][0]['audio_summary']['tempo']
 print('Danceability is '+str(dancepercent) + '% and energy is ' + str(energypercent) + '% with a tempo of '+str(pulserate) +'bpm.')
 currenttrack = track

 if std_assumptions == 1:
 dancepercent = 50
 energypercent = 50
 pulserate = 100
 print('Danceability is '+str(dancepercent) + '% and energy is ' + str(energypercent) + '% with a tempo of '+str(pulserate) +'bpm.')
 currenttrack = track

 if pulserate < 100:
 secs_to_wait = 20
 tt = 20
 if pulserate > 99 and pulserate < 120:
 secs_to_wait = 6
 tt = 10
 if pulserate > 119 and pulserate < 160:
 secs_to_wait = 4
 tt = 7

 if pulserate > 159:
 secs_to_wait = 2
 tt = 5
 secs_to_wait = int((pulserate/60)*2)
 if energypercent < 20:
 sat = 50
 if energypercent > 19 and energypercent < 40:
 sat = 100

 if energypercent > 39 and energypercent < 60:
 sat = 120

 if energypercent > 59 and energypercent < 80:
 sat = 170 

 if energypercent > 59 and energypercent < 80:
 sat = 200

 if energypercent > 79:
 sat = 255

 if dancepercent < 20:
 max_bri = 60
 min_bri = 40
 if dancepercent > 19 and dancepercent < 40:
 max_bri = 100
 min_bri = 80

 if dancepercent > 39 and dancepercent < 60:
 max_bri = 150
 min_bri = 80

 if dancepercent > 59 and dancepercent < 80:
 max_bri = 200
 min_bri = 50 

 if dancepercent > 59 and dancepercent < 80:
 max_bri = 255
 min_bri = 50

 if dancepercent > 79:
 max_bri = 255
 min_bri = 10

 print('Changing hue lights now.')
 my_list_len = len(my_list)
 for i in range(0,my_list_len):
 hue = randint(0,65000)
 bri = randint(min_bri,max_bri)
 payload = '{"on":true,"sat":' + str(sat) + ',"bri":' + str(bri) + ',"hue":' + str(hue) + ',"transitiontime":' +str(tt) + '}'
 r = requests.put(hue_bridge + "lights/" + my_list[i] + "/state",data=payload)
 secs_waited = 0
 if secs_waited >= secs_to_wait:
 print('Changing hue lights now.')
 my_list_len = len(my_list)
 for i in range(0,my_list_len):
 hue = randint(0,65000)
 bri = randint(min_bri,max_bri)
 payload = '{"on":true,"sat":' + str(sat) + ',"bri":' + str(bri) + ',"hue":' + str(hue) + ',"transitiontime":' +str(tt) + '}'
 r = requests.put(hue_bridge + "lights/" + my_list[i] + "/state",data=payload)
 secs_waited = 0


18 thoughts on “Homemade disco using Sonos and Hue”

  1. Hi,

    Can you help me with the following line from your code?

    req = request.urlopen(‘’)

    I am not sure, what that IP address is?


    1. Hi, thanks for the question. I really should have taken that part out. My system is set up so that Domoticz has a dummy switch to keep track of whether the disco is running or not. This bit of code switches off the dummy switch.


      1. Okay thank you 🙂
        If I remove the line, and the following exit(), it will run, find the track and change the lights, but then it quits. And I can’t figure out why..

        I had some trouble get it running, because of tabs/spaces (got the following error: IndentationError: unexpected indent). So I might have changed something by accident.

        It would be nice, if you would upload your script as a file so I am sure that I dont have any formatting issues. Thanks.


      2. I think you need to keep the exit () otherwise the program won’t stop when the Sonos player is paused. I will upload the code after the weekend… thanks, Harry

        Liked by 2 people

      1. When i tried to get a echonest_apikey the website announced a important API change, something about moving to spotify API. it happend on the 31st of may! Too bad i can’t get a API key so i can try your cool script! 😦


      1. I have found that a lot of info is available without an api key from Spotify buy I came across problems with authorisation for more detailed track information. I will continue trying when I have more time and will update when done!


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